
Scenarios and Use Cases for Access Control and Privacy

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Access Manager allows administrators, companies, and organizations to control and restrict access to their Knowledge Base.

For details on handling user login authentication, authorization, and managing WordPress roles and groups, refer to the article on Access Manager and WordPress: Understanding User Login Authentication & Authorization.

Below are common use cases demonstrating how you can leverage Access Manager for your specific needs:

Scenario 1: Blocking KB articles for non-logged-in users

Goal: Make all articles and categories private, accessible only to WordPress users (subscribers, contributors, authors, and editors).


    * Logged-in WordPress users can access content based on their roles.
    * Subscribers and contributors can read articles.
    * Authors and editors can create and edit articles.
    * Site visitors cannot see any knowledge base content (limitations apply).
Required Plugins: Access Control bundle or Access Manager add-on
Practical Examples:
    * Internal knowledge bases for teams, suppliers, management, etc.
    * Wiki-style websites for paying members
    * Documentation for paying software users
    * Members-only content for communities and clubs

Scenario 2: Restricting access to specific user roles

Goal: Limit KB access to users with specific WordPress roles (including custom roles from WooCommerce or other plugins).


    * Only users with the assigned roles can access content.

    * Users can belong to multiple KB Groups, each with access to specific categories and articles.

Required Plugins: Access Control bundle or Access Manager with KB Groups and Custom Roles add-ons

Practical Examples:

    * WooCommerce shops with internal articles for staff and managers.
    * Learning management systems with role-based access to learning groups.
    * Different departments or teams with their own KBs or specific categories/articles.

Scenario 3: Mixing public and private articles

Goal: Create a knowledge base with both public and private articles (within a single KB or separate KBs).


    * You can selectively protect categories and articles, making them private.
Required Plugins: Access Control bundle or Access Manager add-on
Practical Examples:
    * Public wikis with members-only content.
    * Public document repositories with private article sections.
    * Free and paid article tiers for learners.

Scenario 4: Limiting teams to specific categories and articles

Goal: Give each team or department access to its own knowledge base categories, with granular control over article access.
Outcome: Teams only see the content relevant to their work.
Required Plugins: Access Control bundle or Access Manager with KB Groups add-ons
Practical Examples:
    * Schools with separate groups for students, teachers, clerks, and managers.
    * Businesses with distinct departments like web design, accounting, inventory, etc.

Scenario 5: Selling access based on subscriptions/memberships

Goal: Grant access to articles based on user subscriptions and memberships.
Outcome: Users gain access to specific content upon subscribing.
Required Plugins: Access Control bundle or Access Manager, KB Groups, and Role Mapping add-ons
    * Your subscription software assigns users a specific role (e.g., “Content Subscriber”).
    * In Access Manager, map that role to a KB Group with access to the desired articles.
   * Editors can also be assigned to the same group with the KB Editor role.

Scenario 6: Providing access to specific articles without browsing/search

Goal: Share direct links to articles without revealing the rest of the knowledge base.
Outcome: Users see only the relevant article, unable to browse or search.
Required Plugins: Access Control bundle or Access Manager add-on
    * Hide KB navigation, search, breadcrumbs, etc., in KB configuration.
    * Use unique, unguessable slugs for articles (e.g., “how-to-do-this-xej33jliahf0av9”).

Scenario 7: Restricting groups to specific KBs

Goal: Limit Group A to KB A and Group B to KB B.

Outcome: Users only see the knowledge base assigned to their group.

Required Plugins: Access Control bundle or Access Manager and KB Groups add-on

    * Create Group A within KB A and Group B within KB B. 
    * Assign users accordingly.
    * Assign KB categories to their respective groups.


Scenario 8: Granting KB editing access without access to the rest of the website admin areas.

Goal: Allow users to view and edit articles without accessing other admin areas.
Required Plugins: Access Control bundle or Access Manager and Custom Roles add-on
    * Assign users the Contributor or Subscriber WordPress role.
    * Map these roles to KB Subscriber, KB Author, or KB Editor as needed. 
Scenarios Involving Groups

KB Groups allow to organize users to separate groups with custom access to KB Categories.

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