
Elegant Layouts Overview

Elegant Layouts include the following features:

  • Grid Layout
  • Sidebar Layout
  • Custom article icons
  • Resource Links module

Each feature is showcased below.

Used for KB Main Page, this layout displays top-level categories in rows and columns. Each category has an optional icon and a link to corresponding articles.


Category icons help explain the meaning of each category.

Users can easily find the right category based on a simple view of the top KB categories.

After selecting a category, the user is then transferred to Article Page displaying Sidebar Layout.

Grid Example
Click Image to zoom

Used either alone for KB Main Page or in combination with Basic or Tabs Layout on Article Page as a left-side navigation sidebar.


Users can switch between categories and articles while on the same page.

Arrange categories according to importance, with the most important topics at the top and those needed less often below.

Arrange categories according to complexity with simple or initial topics first and more complex or detailed topics below

Click Image to zoom

Custom icons can be displayed beside article titles. Choose from a set of available icons to personalize your article listings.

On your KB Main Page, you can display a list of links to other parts of your website. Customize the URLs, icons, and labels for each resource link:

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