
Categories and Articles

Here’s the breakdown of your website’s Knowledge Base (KB) structure:

  • KB Main Page: The landing page for the KB. Users can browse articles by category.
  • KB Article Pages: Individual articles, each with a title, navigation sidebar, table of contents, and other relevant information.
  • KB Category Archive Pages: Displays content from a specific category (and optionally subcategories) for easy browsing.

Note: To display your Knowledge Base on your web page, make sure the page includes the KB shortcode as explained in this article.

To view articles and categories on the KB Main Page, you have two options:

a) Categories & Articles module: Part of the KB shortcode (details below).

b) KB Categories & Articles block: (Coming soon).

The Categories & Articles module/block offers these layouts:
    • Basic
    • Tabs
    • Categories Focused
    • Classic
    • Drill Down

Additional layouts are available in the Elegant Layouts add-on.

You can extensively customize the Categories & Articles module/block, including its colors, features, and labels. See details below.

The KB Plugin has a Setup Wizard that previews various designs for each layout. You can also try demos of each layout here.

To adjust Categories & Articles Module settings integrated into the KB Shortcode, see the options below:

The sidebar feature enables the display of a sidebar next to the categories and articles. At present, this sidebar option provides two lists of articles: “Newest Articles” and “Recently Updated.”

KB Categories & Articles Block is Comming Soon

Contact us for details.

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