
Team Setup Scenarios

The KB Groups add-on helps you to organize users into KB Groups, separating their access to your knowledge base based on which categories and articles each group needs to access.

Possible ways to organize your team(s) and the public:

      • One Team – single internal KB
      • One Team – single KB that has both public and private articles
      • Multiple Teams – share a single internal KB
      • Multiple Teams – share a single KB with some public articles
      • Multiple Teams – separate KBs, each one for a separate team

Listed below are scenarios describing how KB content can be organized and protected. Use these to decide which setup will work best for your team.

Scenario 1 – One Team with a Single Internal KB


Knowledge Base

Example articles:

  • Processing orders
  • Refunds
  • Shipping
  • Return Policy

How It Works

  • The company has only a single team with access to the whole KB.
  • Some members of the team can only read articles, while others can modify articles and categories.
  • Optional: Some articles and categories are visible to the public.


  • An online store that has a KB used exclusively by its staff or with some articles accessible to the public.
  • A school with content for its teachers and students


  • Create one private KB Group.
  • Assign each user to the private group with given a KB Role.
  • Optional: Assign some Articles and Categories to the Public group.


Scenario 2 – Multiple Teams with a Single KB


Knowledge Base 

Example articles:

  • Processing orders
  • Shipping
  • Refunds
  • Return Policy


  • Blue is content for warehouse workers.
  • Green is content for office clerks.

How It Works

  • A company has two or more teams, and each team has access to a section of the KB.
  • Some members of the team can only read articles, while others can modify articles and categories.
  • Teams can share some articles and categories. Sharing can be set up as
    read-only access or full access.
  • Optional: Certain articles and categories are visible to the public.


  • An online store with a KB used by its staff team and its suppliers.
    • The staff has access to articles about the online store management.
    • Suppliers have access to information about their order management.
  • A school is using a KB for its students (one group) and teachers (second group). Teachers have their own articles, students have their own articles, and some articles are shared between both groups.


  • Create a first private KB Group and assign users.
  • Create a second private KB Group and assign users.
  • Some users can be members of both groups.
  • Decide which articles and categories belong to which group (some can be
  • Optional: Assign certain Articles and Categories to the Public group


Scenario 3 – Multiple Teams with Separate KBs


Knowledge Base Example

Each Team has its own KB:

Warehouse KB e.g. Team 1

  • Processing orders
  • Shipping

Office KB e.g. Team 2

  • Refunds
  • Return Policy
  • Optional: Public uses KB 3


  • Blue is content for warehouse workers.
  • Green is content for office clerks.

Please note: This option is only available with the additional add-on Multiple Knowledge Base plugin. Click here to learn more about it.


How It Works

  • A company has two or more teams, and each team has its own KB.
  • Each KB (Team) has a separate URL for Main and Article pages.
  • Some members of the team can only read articles, while others can modify articles and categories.
  • Teams can share some articles and categories. Sharing can be setup as
    read-only or full access.
  • Optional: Certain articles and categories are visible to the public.


  1. A school that sets up one KB for Teachers, a KB for Students, and a public KB
  2. A warehouse with a management and office KB and a KB for its Warehouse workers
  3. Organizations with one KB per department


  • Create one KB with a single private KB Group and assign users.
  • Create another KB with a single private KB Group and assign users.
  • Some users can be part of both groups.
  • Optional: Create a public KB and assign all categories and articles in that KB to the Public group.

Additional Examples of Content and Access Setup:

A Knowledge Base with registered users and with some users external to the company:

  • Registered users (members) have access to certain categories, while your staff can access all categories. [scenario 2]
  • Set up one KB for members and a second KB for staff. This option requires the Multiple KBs add-on. [scenario 3]


One Knowledge Base per customer (requires the Multiple KBs add-on ):

  • Each KB is accessible only to a specific supplier or agency users. This option requires the Multiple KBs add-on. [scenario 3]
  • Each product has its own KB with users. This option requires the Multiple KBs add-on. [scenario 3]


A Knowledge Base with both public and internal content:

  • The public can see some articles and categories. Internal users have access to the whole KB or share KB access between different groups. [scenarios 1-3]

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