Sales and Marketing

Strategies for promoting products and reaching customers.

Operations and Logistics

Streamline processes for efficient business operations.

Human Resources

Policies, procedures, and support for effective workforce management.

Finance and Expenses

Efficiently manage finances, track expenditure accurately, and optimize budgets.

IT Support

Technical assistance and solutions for digital infrastructure.

Professional Development

Enhance skills, explore career growth opportunities, and foster professional development.
What are the top features?
✅ Fast search bar with listed results
✅ Five levels of hierarchical documentation
✅ Article view counter with Popular and Recent Articles
✅ FAQs Module and Shortcode
✅ Professional layouts
✅ Customizable Category Archive Page
✅ Articles with breadcrumb, navigation, TOC and more
✅ Navigation sidebar listing categories and articles
✅ AI Content Writing Like ChatGPT
What kind of support does your plugin offer?

We're here for you every step of the way! Our support team is available 7 days a week, ensuring you receive help within a day. No matter what questions or issues you have, we've got your back.

Is it easy to configure Knowledge Base?

Absolutely! Our Knowledge Base is super easy to get started with. We've got a straightforward setup wizard that guides you through the initial steps. And if you're into tweaking things to perfection, our configuration tool is just as user-friendly for diving into the finer details.

Can I easily move my documentation to Echo KB?

Yes, indeed! Moving your documentation over to Echo KB is a breeze with our import tools. You can upload CSV files directly or even convert existing posts into articles seamlessly. Learn More

Can I restrict access to my knowledge base?

Certainly! With our Access Control manager, you have complete control over who sees what. Whether it's for internal use, VIP clients, or premium content, you can easily manage access to different sections of your knowledge base. Learn More