Join 15,000+ professionals who use Echo Knowledge Base to build documentation for their businesses.
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Echo KB is the best Knowledge Base Plugin for WordPress. Here are the features that make Echo KB the most powerful and user-friendly Documentation plugin in the market.
Setup in minutes with a Wizard to help you choose your style, colors, and layout.
Get a professional look with the option to customize nearly all components.
500 icons, with the option to upload your own icons.
Up to five levels of hierarchical documentation.
Articles with a table of contents (TOC).
Access control, advanced search, analytics, PDF links, widgets, voting and more.
With over 15,000 active installs, our plugin is the most popular Knowledge Base plugin for WordPress. Here’s why smart business owners, organizations, and companies love Echo Knowledge Base, and you will too!
Access Manager allows administrators, companies, and organizations to control and restrict access to their private Knowledge Base based on WordPress user accounts. Grant permission using roles and groups.
Create Multiple Knowledge Bases, one for each product, service, topic or department. Each Knowledgebase has separate articles, URLs, KB Main Page and admin screens.
From humble beginnings building websites and customizing plugins for clients we have branched out and now built our own WordPress add-ons. We love creating tools that help you make awesome websites.
Copyright © 2024 Echo Plugins. All Rights Reserved.
Echo Knowledge Base works with all themes, and you can further style each theme selected.
We have listed all our features here.
Yes, you can download our free Knowledge Base here.
Yes, we have instructions and a plugin to help you import your posts and articles into KB. Learn more here .
Please follow installation instructions here.
Help Dialog is a free plugin that you can download from here.